All the files for these character sheets can be found on the open source repository.
You may find that a bit daunting though, so the following pages describe how to make best use of that resource.
You can:
There are two ways to get the files:
If you're using Windows or a Mac, I recommend installing GitHub for Windows or GitHub for Mac, though there are plenty of other options. If you're on Linux you can use the command line or any number of other tools. What all these programs let you do is to download the entire project as a folder, then keep that folder up to date as changes get published.
These files have been released under the Artistic License 2.0, which a very permissive license. You're allowed to:
On condition that:
For the purposes of the license, the artwork files are considered “source” while the complete PDF is considered an “executable”. The same license also covers this website and the Build My Character tool.
If you need something not covered by the license, or have any questions, just ask.
Obviously, these character sheets are built on the work of a number of other companies and individuals.
I'm grateful to all the companies whose products I use, and you can find a more complete attribution on the Legal Information page. I'm also grateful to everyone who has helped out with feedback, fixes, improvements and contributions.
There are nearly 300 separate pages in the repository now, covering classes and archetypes, core features and special cases. But if what you need is a little different from what I've provided, you can take my files and use them to create your own.
The pages were created using Adobe Illustrator, and for best results you'll need either a copy of Illustrator or another program that can read Illustrator files directly. If you don't have one of those you can use a program that will open the PDF files, such as Inkscape, but the results won't be as good.
Grab and install the fonts from the Fonts folder in the repository. They're all legal.
Get a copy of at least the few files you want to edit, if not the entire project.
You'll probably want to save the Illustrator
If your language isn't on the list of translations already supported, you can help the project by contributing a translation. You shouldn't need to touch the Illustrator files to translate them. Instead, you'll edit a simple spreadsheet.
If you'd like to help translate, first check the thread on Paizo's forum to see if somebody has already started. If they have, I recommend you work with them.
You don't need to do the whole thing yourself, lots of people can cooperate. For each language, I'll appoint one person to be in charge. They'll make sure that the translations other people send in make sense.
You get a spreadsheet containing all the fragments of text used across all the character sheets. Some fragments get used in many different places, but you only need to translate them once.
When you've done some translating, send the file back to me. I'll use my magic to apply those translations to the PDFs, and send them back to you to look at. Once the translation is nearing completness, I'll include it on the website.
Software to edit a spreadsheet.
If you'd like to process your translations yourself, then a copy of Adobe Illustrator.
Get a copy of one of the translation templates from the Languages folder in the repository.
Make absolutely certain you open the file using UTF-8 encoding, comma delimiters and " quotes.
When you save the file, save it as CSV with the same settings. Be sure to include line 1 with the heading the same as when you opened it.
Frame number Original Translation Count Part of File count Files 9 Alchemist|Level 12 1 Alchemist 720 BASE|ATTACK 7 BASE|ATTACK BONUS 5 Eidolon - Combat, Combat... 720 BONUS 7 BASE|ATTACK BONUS 5 Eidolon - Combat, Combat...
Original Translation Swim Speed Velocità di Nuoto
In each line, look at the Original and put the translated text in the Translation column. Don't change any columns except Translation.
Original Translation Dodge|Modifier Modificatore|di Schivare
The vertical bar character | is used to represent a line break. If the original has a line break, then the translation should as well.
File count Files 10 Animal Companion, Combat, Wild Shape...
File count says how many different files the text is used in, and Files lists them. You can sort the rows by their File count to translate the most important lines first.
Sometimes a single text box uses more than one style. In this case the text will be split into several lines.
The lines are grouped together using the Frame number column, and the whole text appears in the Part of column. When translating one of these, remember to translate them as a single sentence.
Each language uses words in a different order. When translating split text, you may need to change the order in which pieces of text appear.
If you have a copy of Adobe Illustrator, you can apply these changes to the character sheets directly.
Get a copy of the entire project using Git, and make sure your translation file is saved as CSV, using Unicode format, with comma delimiters.
Having created your own pages, you probably want to build character sheets using them. To do this you'll need to run a copy of the website. You don't need to be a programmer, but I only recommend trying this if you're technically competent.
First install a Java JRE, making sure it's a recent version. Then install the Play! Framework, which you'll need to run the website itself. Make sure you've added the Play! Framework's folder (such as c:\play-2.0.4) to your path variable.
Download at least the entire Composer directory from the open source repository.
Bring up a command line. You can do this on Windows by hitting the Start button and typing cmd. Use cd and dir to make your way to the Composer directory. When you're there, type:
play run
It will then proceed to download all the different components needed to run the website (this bit can take a long time, and does require an internet connection) and eventually tell you that it's listening on port 9000. When it does, open up a web browser and navigate to localhost:9000.
The mostly likely problem you'll have is that the Play! Framework isn't correctly installed.
The pages for each game are controlled in JSON data files in Composer/public/data, either pathfinder.json or dnd35.json. You'll need to learn JSON, which isn't complicated but can be temperamental. Each time you make a change, test it with JSON Lint to see if you've made a mistake.
The books section lists what classes are in which books; the classes section lists the pages that class needs; and the pages section connects class names to file names. To add a class, you'll need to add any new pages to the pages section, then add a new class entry to the classes section, then add it to a book in the books section.
Pages belong in slots, with the rule that each slot gets printed only once. So each character only has one inventory page, but there are several different versions of the inventory that could be included.
If you're not a programmer, the following may be a little difficult.
To add a page to the site, you'll need to add one line into Composer/conf/routes, an action into Composer/app/controllers/Application.scala and a view into Composer/app/views. Use the existing routes, actions and views as examples.
Views are written in a combination of Scala and HTML.
To add a whole new game, you'll need to add a JSON file for it in the Composer/public/data folder, using the same format as pathfinder.json; create a route for the builder and a route for the PDF composer in Composer/conf/routes.
Patrons and contributors to the project get extra features, like automatic calculations and the ability to save character sheets.
Logging in will set a cookie on your computer.
We do not keep any personal information about you.
Translators get free access to patron features.
Log into the translators' website and click the button on your dashboard.
If you'd like to help translate, send me a message.
Either you aren't currently a patron, or something went wrong.
If you are a patron, you can try again.
Character sheets you download will now have all features.